Saturday, June 19, 2010


1. Ecstatic Dance medicine. I am so grateful for my local conscious dance community full of people looking to enjoy life naturally without drugs & alcohol. A night full of beats, bass and dancing with cute boys is always a good time in my book.

2. Beautiful invocations. This man I always run into at Cafe Gratitude did the most amazing invocation at Ecstatic Dance last night talking about our perfection, our beauty. It put us all into a trance with its power.

3. Little altars everywhere. It's not just my personal altar at home that gives me the prayers & medicine I need - it's the altars I see in other people's homes, the altar at the sweat lodge & ceremonies I go to, the altars at 5 Rhythms and Ecstatic Dance, the little altars in nature made by hikers and meditators and the little city street altars constructed by homeless people. I love this constant reminder of our natural state of gratitude and love for what feels good.

4. Sparkly eyes. I love when I have days so magical that my eyes are extra sparkly and full of bliss. Self-love floods in me and out of me and my whole body buzzes.

5. Sunshine filled rooms. The skylights & glass walls of my room means it's sunny in here from 6am til 9pm and I could not be happier about that.

6. Silent expressions. One of my favorite things about the conscious dance events is that there is no talking. You communicate with others solely through dance, your energy, your heart and your radiant smiles. I love that I can sometimes dance so intently with a stranger, have this intense connection, and never ever know their name. It's beautiful.

7. Tinctures. So many plants, so many ways to decoct, dilute and learn how to use them as medicine. I can't wait for herb school next year!

8. Coconut yogurt is fermenting in the kitchen. Yum. It's so nice to have even better things fill the place of the dairy products that have left my life.

9. Scholarships. I just got a scholarship from the Moving Center School for the next part of the 5 Rhythms workshops I've been doing. This one explores the ultimate spiritual practice - relationship. "Friends, lovers, parents, children — they take us to heaven and take us to our knees." I am so excited to continue on my dancing path! I also got another scholarship for a Women's Leadership program in the wilderness of Washington, but more about that later.

10. Garden space. My flatmate, permaculture goddess extraordinaire that she is, showed me where there is still some room in the garden for planting so I can grow some lettuces & berries. The whole time I was traveling & working on organic farms, I kept focusing my intentions on finding a home with some space to grow my own food and now it's finally here!

11. Kale magic. Permaculture goddess flatmate also said their kale is producing enough extra for me to have some fresh greens from their patch of eARTh every day.

12. Waking up before the alarm clock always gives me that feeling of living on natural time & having the world to myself for a little while before I begin the day. I cherish these days.

13. Chocolate love makes me smile. I am so grateful for this never-ending stream of beautiful foodie events in SF that allow me to grow my raw chocolate business at a steady, organic pace. Doing work where you get to see rewards in the form of ecstatic looks on people's faces as they eat your wares is so fulfilling and makes my heart soar.

14. Singing. When I was younger, I had a really beautiful voice, but as the thyroid shifted further out of balance, it seemed to disappear & I kept wondering where my voice went, why my singing sounded so awful. Last year I learned that singing is one of the best medicines for hypothyroidism, as it raises the vibration of your 5th chakra, healing your body. I would sing more in the car than normaml, and though I wanted to make it a daily practice, I kept getting distracted & simply wasn't making time for it. Then last week, the curandero asked me to sing in the ceremony, a very huge honor I did not feel ready for. I tried, but I totally choked in this paralyzing fear in my mind instead of being present to the opportunity to heal in ceremony, but the message became clear through him that if I were to simply unlock my voice from this thyroid blockage and use singing as my medicine, I would heal this. Ever since then I have been singing daily, and my voice is slowing coming back to life. :)

15. Baby-tainment. My flatmates adorable little baby girl, Sage has been the perfect audience for me. Since I am not yet comfortable singing in front of groups of people, I practice singing to her. She gets so quiet and enamored by the sounds and her face lights up, which brings me more joy and helps me sing even more comfortably, which brings her more joy, and so on. It's a win-win situation.

16. Chickweed concoctions fresh from the wilderness outside. This one had some honey, lemon, cayenne, sprouts & pure water. I love wild plants!

17. Fiddles & cellos. I had my first lessons in both last year and am equally in love with both, but a violin is more travel-ready so I'm going to focus my intentions on manifesting one of those first, then when I have gotten pretty good, I can move on to other instruments. But my love affair with strings & drums runs deep, deep, deep.

18. Life. Always eternally grateful for this one, every single day of mine. It's short - make the most of it, don't get caught up in stuff that doesn't resonate and brings you down and just follow your bliss!

19. Camping season is my favorite season! I am so amazed at how no matter how many different places I go, I still have barely seen a fraction of all the nature in this state - there is such an abundance of beauty here.

20. Trust is one of my favorite tools. Whenever I remember to trust that everything always works out exactly as it's supposed to, my life just flows and everything falls into place.

21. Love. There is so much of it in this world. My heart today is flooding over with all the love from so many wonderful people in my life.

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