Saturday, November 26, 2011


Wow, it's been a long time since I posted on here...I've been grateful for so much in the last 10 months, but have been too out of online mode to keep things up to date here. It's been a really beautiful lifetime. Some of the amazing things from the last year:

1. Dancing Freedom. Starting last February, I began training to facilitate this amazing somatic/shamanic dance. I finished my training up in August & am now a certified facilitator. I feel so fulfilled leading this dance work & plan to take it around the world.

2. Teaching. It feels so good to carry this dance medicine out into the world to hold space for others to do their own inner work. I am so grateful for witnessing people's breakdowns on the dance floor - I know it's leading them to a breakthrough & it is such an honor & privilege to create the container for people to do that.

3. Mt. Shasta. Several of the dance training modules were up at Mt. Shasta, so I got to spend almost a full month's time up at the mountain over the course of the past year, soaking up it's earth chakra energy. So powerful.

4. Being in my power. Last year I was stepping into it, this year I am being in it. It feels so good to feel so confident, so strong, so powerful & in right relationship to leadership so that I can serve. I worked so hard to get here, to heal the things in my way & now that I am here it's so surreal. And right!

5. Living in an intentional community. This was something I was working on manifesting for awhile, and I eventually landed an extremely decadent home with 4 other conscious ladies, surrounded by opulence & beauty. We have a temple space for events & ceremonies, and are all united in holding space for the transformation of ourselves & others. It's everything I wrote down I wanted to manifest a year ago. Crazy.

6. AbunDANCE! Really got into a good flow of creating an abundance from only doing things I absolutely love for a rate that feels in alignment with what I am offering. Let go of the mental obstacles - it's so worth it. Just ask for what you want!

7. Being in financial integrity. Feels so good to finally have create the means to pay off old debts & begin saving again. Restoring financial integrity to my world is so powerful & makes everything flow so much better.

8. Life as ceremony. Life has taken on a feeling of sacred ritual in every single day. A lot of time is spent in ceremony, but it's the time between too - it feels so integrated. Grateful for these sacred ways & this good Red Road that have become so much of my life over the last few years.

9. Vision Quest #2 up on Mt. Shasta. This one was about giving birth to my life's work - what my soul came here to do. This Medicine Dance around the globe is so very clear to me now. Infinite gratitude.

10. Sharing my voice. Healed 20 years of hiding my voice! I now sing in front of people all the time - in ceremony, in sound healing events, at parties. And I feel fully confident & happy to share my gifts - gone is all the fear & insecurity. Confidence feels so good!

11. Learning to play instruments. Been drumming, plucking at the guitar & strumming the fiddle...a little bit at a time. I don't feel afraid to pick up anything & try it out anymore - in fact, I love it! Bring me the craziest most unfamiliar instruments you have. :)

12. Crystals. Been really deepening my connection to sacred geology this year & have amassed a wealth of special stones that have helped me so much. Love really is in the earth.

13. The Honeys. I seriously love my sisters here at Earth Honey Haven. Our house is one really amazing healing portal in the Oakland Hills.

14. Mold. I know, weird to be grateful for having something toxic in your room, but the mold incident was full of so many lessons, and provided for me in so many ways I couldn't see until a few months in. Always being provided for. All ways.

15. East Bay healings. I miss the unspoiled nature & beauty of Marin, but living in the east bay is feeding this social, artsy, cultural aspect of myself that was undernourished living in Marin.

16. Learning from both. I'm realizing that for long-term living, I need both - the miles of pristine nature AND the arts, culture, community of city life. So who knows where I will land - Vancouver/BC? New Zealand? Hawaii? I'm open right now.

17. Thomas & Juliette. 2 very special little beings that I have had the honor of being able to love & care for this year. Such amazing teachers & wisdom keepers, those tiny little beings.

18. Musical expansion. So much amazing music has blessed up my ears this year, whether live or on headphones. I cannot remember being exposed to so much beauty constantly in recent years. And I listen to a lot of good music :)

19. Friends. So many beautiful beings came into my life this year. Thank you, East Bay, thank you, dance.

20. Dancing Freedom soul family. Seriously so honored & grateful for my ever-expanding soul family that I connected with so deeply during all 3 trainings this last year. Infinite heart opening. I love you all.

21. Life just keeps getting juicier & juicier. I become more & more whole. My soul gets more fulfilled. I am doing all the things that were once only dreams. How did this happen? I stayed focused on my dreams, followed my heart, listened to my intuition, got out of my own way & let myself be guided. I think they call it faith.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

40-5ive...blessings of 2010.

So much gratitude for 2010's intensity - it made warriors of us all in its diligence to move so much energy through us for collectively. It was intense, and definitely not an easy year - an unhealthy relationship triggering me back into chronic illness to heal at the deep root level to fully reverse dis-ease, moving out of an urban area for the first time in 13 years to live closer to nature, transforming some remaining issues around fear & scarcity - but in the end, it was so powerful to go through all that & come out so bright & squeaky clean.

I am thankful to the Universe for giving me so, so many really powerful lessons that have shaped my life into an even more truly magical one. I have never felt so full of self-love, so confident about myself, so tapped in to my power & all the gifts I have to share with the world. I have never felt so self-accepting, so compassionate with myself, so worthy of the beautiful, loving, positive, happy friendships I have now. What beautiful reflections I have summoned to remind me of my divinity, my truth.

May Two-Thousand-and-a-lovin' be a year of gentle but powerful growth, alignment, grace and empowerment. I call forth the manifestation of all us heart warriors truly living of our wildest, most beautiful dreams. ♥

My gratitude list for the 2010:

1. Went on my first Vision Quest at Buck Rock.

2. Did my first firewalk on hot coals.

3. Became a reiki practitioner.

4. Got accepted into the California School of Herbal Studies to deepen on this medicine woman path.

5. Living in Marin, with the abundant nature, hot tubs & conscious dance.

6. Stepping into my power as a healer, scary as it was.

7. Connecting with the Goddess within & honoring myself more.

8. Relationship reflections leading me to fellow warriors of the heart.

9. Countless Peyote & Ayahuasca ceremonies that have helped me heal so much & expand my heart so openly.

10. Sacred Familia in all the places I have gone this year to sit in ceremony. Always family, always love.

11. 5 Rhythms workshops galore, deepening so very much on this healing dance path.

12. Burning Man - the best one so far! Really, truly amazing, calm, grounded & full of love.

13. Trust, which guided me through a year full of so much uncertainty. I had no idea I had the capacity to trust life so much, especially when it felt crazy.

14. Betty, the best sidekick a girl could have.

15. Growing my own food - that feels so good!

16. Deep friendships where I feel seen, held, supported & whole.

17. So many important lessons.

18. Saying goodbye to the old work paradigm for good & creating my own abundance.

19. Running my own raw chocolate business - delicious, fulfilling abundance.

20. Endless images of adventures captured by my camera.

21. West Marin, for being the most beautiful place I've ever lived so far.