Saturday, December 25, 2010


1. The earth-based origins of this holiday season. So many origins to why we celebrate this time of year in the first place - in ancient Babylon, today was the fest of the son of Isis (Goddess of Nature & Magic) & was full of celebration, feasting & gift-giving. Pagans burned the Yule log in worship of Mithras, the Sun God. The Druids used the tree as a religious symbol, holding their sacred ceremonies while surrounding and worshipping huge trees. Live evergreen trees were often brought into homes during winter as a reminder to inhabitants that soon their crops would grow again. Evergreen boughs were sometimes carried as totems of good luck and were often present at weddings, representing fertility. In 350, Pope Julius I declared that Christ’s birth would be celebrated on December 25. There is little doubt that he was trying to make it as easy as possible for pagan Romans (who remained a majority at that time) to convert to Christianity, without taking their feast days from them.

2. Random texts with Pagan references. I love having so many friends who just get it. :)

3. Native American Church songs always fill my heart with joy. I love walking the read road & am blessed to have this be a big part of my spiritual path.

4. Rain. It's the first time in years I've been rained out of my annual Christmas Day hike/feast, what has become my tradition of celebrating out in nature. But the rain is nourishing our eARTh, and the rainy season makes us that much more grateful when the sun shines again.

5. Candles are allowing me to make a backup plan & fill the house with light & have my own little ceremony of sorts as I stay dry & warm.

6. Mourning. Today I was thinking of my dear sweet teacher Durwin WhiteLightning who passed a little over a year ago. We just had a memorial tipi ceremony for him a few weeks ago & another layer of mourning has come to stir up my grief & sadness to be released & transformed into an open heart filled with gratitude for all he shared with us before he left this life. There is so much beauty in this process of honoring the dark emotions & all the treasure that is hidden down there.

7. Kaitiakitanga. This is the Maori concept that humans must be responsible guardians of the natural beauty surrounding us. I love this simple truth & all I am uncovering as I study their traditional culture in preparation for the New Zealand chapter of my life.

8. Envisioning the land I will one day own & live in community on feels so good & brings me closer to the reality on its way. I envision a biodynamic herb farm, a healing center, endless fields of lavender, a treehouse for me to dwell in, unique structures of all kinds - a beehive hut, a dome shaped sacred space for worshipping Oneness & all spiritualities. I am almost at the place to start sketching up some loose plans.

9. Treehouses. So magical. This dream I've had since I lived in NYC still lives in my heart & I know one day I will create it in my reality. I am very grateful that we get to co-create our lives as we want. Sleeping atop the tree protectors is such a beautiful thing.

10. Paid dog-sitting gigs are appearing to solve my housing situation & help me save money for herb school tuition. I am always being provided for - thank you, Universe.

11. Embracing the child within makes for a much easier, more magical adult life. Undo the programming, heal the wounds, get back to your dreams, your heart, your bliss, your awe - you will feel gratitude every single day, I promise.

12. Inspiration. Today I am feeling so inspired for music making. I love how this part of my life is growing - fiddle, unlocking my voice to restore it to its formal glory & the electronic part of creating - it's all so magical. I can't wait to see what unfolds when I am good enough at them all separately to put them together. I am grateful to be taking these next steps on my creative path.

13. Newness. Fully embracing all that is being released, letting the old go to make way for the new. This next year is going to be the best ever - I know it.

14. Yoga is the perfect indoor remedy to being rained out of my annual Christmas day hike. Yoga in front of the fireplace to be exact. Thank you, body for holding me in physical form. Oh, it feels so good to take care of you & love you in this way.

15. Fresh Spring Rolls fully of yummy raw veggies, dipped in peanut sauce. Fresh, clean lunch.

16. Cheri Huber for teaching me to have compassion for myself, no matter what. I have come back to her over & over again over the last few years. You can check her out here.

17. The perfection of us. We are all perfect exactly as we are - that is the truth. The illusion of separateness is dissolving on a global level & all of humanity is starting to remember that we are all one. It is such an exciting time to be alive.

18. Wind chimes in the breeze are such a sweet medicine on this day.

19. Heat. Grateful to be warm & comfortable on this wet, cold day.

20. Feather trees on the altar decorated with nature...definitely a beautiful, earthy twist on Christmas.

21. The heart. It is the only way, this way. Through, through, through. We all know it from birth, we are taught to go other ways, but this is the path that always leads us home no matter what.

Friday, December 24, 2010


1. Increasing New Zealand synchronicities every single day since the wellness & dance retreat we are putting together was birthed. This dream from a few years back is being called into being & the Universe is affirming, yes, it's time. The last sync in the chain - another dear sister today shared her dream of swimming with the whales next fall, so the timing might sync up perfectly for right after I finish the herbal studies program at CSHS.

2. Goddess In Us. I have been feeling an intense surge of the Divine feminine surfacing from within me - strong, wise, powerful & grounded. I am feeling more clear & confident than ever before, more deeply in touch with my inner wisdom than ever before, so full of trust. It is time to stop calling forth goddess energies from the outside & realize she is in all of us.

3. Solstice Full Moon Eclipse for being so mesmerizing & powerful. Calling in the light this year was especially powerful & all that I called in & set intentions for instantly began stirring up my pot to release all that no longer serves & make room for all that I have called in for this next phase of my life.

4. Learning to control my energy & slowly mastering the tools I have...the awareness to notice when I've let something hook in & the ability to reframe, shift & bring myself back up. It's been a few years of re-patterning & doing this work and I still feel as if I am only just beginning to understand how to work with energy.

5. Annual Cafe Gratitude Christmas Party was big fun. Spent time with my community, met some new folks, enjoyed some eye candy & a free massage. It was a sweet evening.

6. Herbal facials are one of the sweetest natural ways to pamper yourself. Some great recipes here or you can buy a sweet herbal facial sampler kit from Mountain Rose here. Step up the self-care because you love you.

7. Quiet solitude. Really grateful to have the house to myself tonight to exhibit radical self-care & pampering with an amazing dinner, herbal facial, reading & meditation.

8. Owl songs. While taking my almost daily hike at sunset, two owls began singing to each other. Then the crashing ocean waves chimed in as the chorus. It was a beautiful, syncopated moment. I am so grateful for this planet full of miracles.

9. Friends. Really loved connecting with one of my goddesses tonight. Such a sweet soul, an amazing listener & a wealth of wisdom and strength. I love you, Dheva.

10. Wild blueberries frozen from this summer are so perfect in smoothies right now.

11. Balance. This year was intense & up & down and all over. So much deep, inner work & healing, but also so many amazing new things in my life. I am calling in a gentler, more balanced year for two-thousand-and-a-lovin'

12. Intention setting for the year has already begun. Mine consists of really devoting myself to my herbal studies program in spring; calling in a healthy, nurturing partnership now that I have integrated the lessons of my last relationship; beginning the planning for an event in New Zealand and hopefully traveling to Serbia & Croatia with my parents during the 2 week break between semesters.

13. Warriors. While I was doing my intention setting & calling in the new year, I got very clear on the fact that what I am looking for in partnership, besides a loving, gentle, compassionate soul, is someone who is as much of a warrior in doing their work as I am - someone who is already doing their work on their own, someone who is as dedicated to showing up as unconditional love as I am. I am ready for someone who is on the same page, at a similar place in life with their path so that we can do the work together & create our relationship as a safe place for our spiritual growth.

14. Blood orange season is one of the most delicious times of year.

15. Magical manifestations! It is so, so, so amazing looking back at what my intentions were a year or two ago & seeing how many of them I have called into being - the year of travel exploring community, starting a raw, organic chocolate company, herb school, deepening in ceremonial work, immersing myself deeper in dance, creating community, stepping onto my path as healer, reversing a disease, vision questing, fire walking. Even though it was a rough year, the magic & beauty far outweigh the rest.

16. Letting abundance in lights up my soul. I woke up to a bunch of random chocolate orders all at once & it just made my day to see the fruits of letting go & simply allowing money to come in from doing things I love & enjoy. This is going to spread to cleanses & reiki in the next month for sure.

17. The herbal tribe growing & sprouting up all over. I love connecting with radiant beings over our love for the plant nation & all its magic.

18. Mystery. It's so great to have things just come up in life & not know why they have appeared & just be open to seeing what happens without any attachment. Surrendering & allowing the unfolding...

19. Kirsten another goddess friend in Canada. We have so many syncs about the kind of land we want to buy, living in community, building a healing center, shamanism, dance medicine & so much more...I am calling in the Universe to support her wanting to move out west to BC or Cali. I wonder if we will one day end up living in community together.

20. Looking back. I'm all for staying present to what is, but I've really been enjoying posting my travel photos a year after I've returned. It's been a sweet reminder of all I have done with this life so far & reaffirms where I am headed.

21. Kombucha for its sweet, medicinal buzz.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


1. Major shifts are occuring. I am stepping deeper into my power, letting go of a lot of hold fears & limitations that have kept me from creating my full income from my gifts. I have been chiseling away at this one piece by piece over the years, have started my own company & have made a lot of progress, but these fears & limitations have kept me from doing it for 100% of my income. I've always clung to a backup plan to keep me 'safe' which was essentially me giving away my power & letting fear rule. A lot is shifting. My healing practice is unfolding in the most beautiful way at last. I am ready to do everything I was born for.

2. Divine bursts of motivation took over me today as I realized that I once used to run straight towards my fears to create the best life ever. The last several months I've been waiting for them to go away, but today remembered to move through them is the only way, so I made a lot of progress getting ready to launch my new website for my healing practice. I'm consolidating all the small projects I've been doing for the last few years into one place. Feels so good!

3. Lydia one of my tribal clan in Austin, TX. Today we had such a beautiful talk about love, life, spirit, the usual. I am so blessed to have her reflection in my life. We are putting together a very special project for 2012 in New Zealand.

4. Special Projects! It feels so good to be all buzzing with creative thoughts from source about the retreat Lydia & I are creating for the 2012 lunar eclipse in New Zealand. We are blending all our shamanic work & passions together. It will be part cleanse & emotional work, part ceremony, part dance...I cannot wait to watch it unfold each step of the way.

5. Govinda for providing a fantastic soundtrack to get so much work done. Give a listen to that electronic fiddle magic:

6. Newness. I am so relishing every moment of giving birth to this next phase of my life - it's so fresh, exciting & mysterious.

7. Trust. Knowing with every fiber of my being that everything is unfolding absolutely perfectly, no matter the outcome. It all leads me exactly where I need to be all the time, this magical flow of life.

8. CSHS. I went to herb school yesterday to interview for one of the coveted Garden Apprenticeship slots in my program. It'll give me an additional 2 days in the garden with the plants, soaking up the massive wealth of knowledge the gardener has to share. I am so in love with this place. This next year of my life is going to be so beautiful - I'm so excited.

9. Dancing Freedom & Samantha Sweetwater. Her work is amazing & after all this time dancing 5 Rhythms, I am eager to train to teach something. Manifesting my way to the facilitator training on Mt. Shasta in a few months:

10. Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck is awesome. Even though I've know the pieces of my divine path/life's purpose/calling/right life & have been moving towards it, this book not only helps to reaffirm what I already know, but helps me put together the pieces in a more clearly defined way which is helping me move mountains.

11. Daily walks are back again. Oh, how I missed this sunset nature prayer ritual of mine. Life just isn't the same without it.

12. Winter in Northern California is gorgeous. I love this season - the rolling hills transform from their golden summer hues to the lush, deep green that make my soul soar. Everything is so ripe for life, the mushrooms are everywhere, the water is abundant.

13. New Zealand dreams. Before I left for my year of travel in the states, a dream began to take shape of WWOOFing in New Zealand at farms where I could get skilled in beekeeping & winemaking. Now with the retreat Lydia & I are putting together, it's finally getting called into being.

14. The Plant Nation for filling my life with splendor & awe over and over.

15. Free housing just keeps appearing, allowing me to save for my tuition. Thank you, Universe so always providing for me, miracle after miracle.

16. Free legal advice from a stellar lawyer. Thank you, Jerome, for helping me learn how to get my business stuff in order.

17. Dancing in the wilderness is such good medicine. When I become a dance facilitator, I will be taking the dance floor out to the forest regularly. Barefoot, grounded, natural. Mmmm.

18. Flow. Feels so good to just be on a roll with everything right now, constant motion, moving forward, expanding, flowing.

19. Bomb salads chock full of the best organic produce ever. Yum.

20. Crow medicine always on the trail. So much wisdom to be shared.

21. The land. I just love this planet so much. My heart comes undone with each hike, camping trip, adventure. Each tree pulls at my heart strings & willingly I give my love.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


1. Tipi meetings. So many beautiful prayers, so much love, compassion, kindness, healing & radiance. I love this medicine & how it helps me in my life. I am so grateful for these ancient, native ways that have been such a huge part of my spiritual path these last few years. Mitakuye Oyasin!

2. Reminders from the Universe. I sat next to one of the sweetest, most heart-centered, compassionate, kind souls. There was nothing between us on an intimate level (and he already has a lovely wife), but I know he will become a dear friend, and it was a beautiful reminder of the 'kind' of man I deserve in my life, the kind of energy I am seeking in partnership - warm, open, compassionate, emotionally available, gentle. Sometimes we need these reminders that those things do exist so we can keep our hearts open & trusting to allow them to appear to us.

3. Learning to love your pains. When my back was cracking in the tipi & I wished the 10-year injury away, this same sweet brother reminded me,"You have to love your pains or else they grow stronger." Aho!

4. Morning dew. In the Mendocino morning dew, I saw an entire Universe being birthed on a piece of tree bark. So much life, so many living things taking shape to create a system.

5. Mushroom season is my favorite season! It's time to forage a ton of goodies to cook with this year. Chanterelles especially.

6. Free massages. At this last ceremony, I met another sweet brother studying Tibetan Medicine who gave me a wonderful massage to help my tense neck & shoulders that have been troubling.

7. Durwin WhiteLightning was one of the greatest teachers to have blessed my life. This ceremony was a memorial ceremony to commemorate the 1-year anniversary of his death. It was so beautiful to gather & celebrate his life & share all the gifts he had given us with each other. My heart is cracked wide open.

8. Amazing Grace has been my favorite song my whole life. I think I was on that ship when it came to be in a past life. I found out it was Durwin's favorite song too when someone asked me to sing it. I wonder if our souls recognized each other in this life from that ship. It would not surprise me.

9. Random acts of kindness. Another sweet brother at the ceremony gave me some beautiful peyote beadwork to keep - a necklace with green, hexagram plant - so auspicious for me to have as I begin the next stage of my medicine woman journey. Thank you, stranger.

10. Kiera for bringing tears to my eyes as she shared from her heart what an angel I have been in her life during her darkest hours. I am so grateful to have friend who see me, and to be able to hold space for them & love them exactly as they are. She is a gift.

11. Angel syncs. The next day I was having a tough time & remembered her words. I began to think of these angle wing tribal earrings I'd had my eyes on for awhile. I looked up and saw a sign that said "Golden Angel Jewelers" & decided it's time to step into my angel powers and own them. I've been needing a style change anyway :)

12. Sacred foods for helping us end ceremony is such a delightful way. I love these prayers, I love blessing what we put into our bodies, I love it all.

13. Tennessee Valley hikes are the perfect daily exercise while I'm staying in Mill Valley for a few weeks. It's one of my favorite hikes to the ocean, so beautiful.

14. Feasting bunnies. Yesterday while I hiked at dusk, I saw about 30 rabbits come out to feast on the grass at sunset. It was so sweet. I love these cycles of life.

15. New friends. I am just always meeting so many sweet, sweet souls. I love these connections, especially the ones I feel I will know a bit more, a bit longer. Blessed humans.

16. Ashwagandha root is godsend. I've been taking a tincture of ashwagandha, licorice, eleuthero, ginseng, gotu kola, hawthorn, astragalus & ginger that is simply magical. My adrenals are so very happy & supported.

17. Herb School! As it gets closer to the start of the 8-month herbalism program I have been accepted into, I am getting more & more excited, my heart is leaping with joy & I have a massive smile on my face every time I think about it. It's going to be amazing.

18. Garden Apprenticeship. Though I've already been accepted into the Herbalism program, I've also applied for one of the coveted Garden Apprenticeship slots which would give the opportunity to actually live on the land there, as well as 2 more days full of learning & spending time communicating with the plants. Tomorrow is my in-person interview & I am so excited to see the land again. It told me I had to live there.

19. Business transformation. The company I started, Earth Alchemy, is undergoing major transformation to shift from an herbal, raw chocolate company to a full-on herbal company selling tinctures, salves, medicines, teas, soaps, beauty care products, a new line of herbal chocolates & an infinite amount of herbal love. I am so excited for this expansion & transformation.

20. Forest stew. Time to make an amazing dinner of forest stew from some local mushrooms, venison & a ton of veggies. I love creating healthy, nourishing dishes!

21. Love. It is just overflowing in my life right now. I am feeling so grounded, so centered, so ready to shift so many things & move into this next stage of creating the life I've been dreaming about.