Wednesday, June 23, 2010


1. Magic sunsets over the wetlands preserve. Everything was hot pink & purple and reflecting in the water full of ducks. My almost-daily sunset walks near bodies of water are one of the most important rituals in my life - so vital to my soul.

2. Jasmine blooming all over the path filling the night-time air with deliciousness.

3. Credo Mobile for sending me a new free phone just because they felt it was time for an upgrade.

4. Chai tea for still being something I am always grateful for, even after all these years of dedicated drinking.

5. Super manifesting. I had several incidents today of having the Universe deliver exactly what I was wishing for just minutes after I put it out there that I wanted it. I love when I am tapped into this flow to receive!

6. Completed statements of intent. I have not yet figured out how to not get stuck on them, but I will soon. And having someone sit right next to you to talk about them as you write them definitely helps the process. Thank you, Lauren!

7. Feeling ready to dive in! I've had a few projects on hold the last few months & it feels good to finally dust them off, move past the fear and take the next steps. This has been my most productive week in ages on 3 different projects.

8. Creating your own income is amazing. It was easy to start the chocolate company because I was still temping a lot, but the closer I get to sustaining myself more & more on my own talents, the scarier it gets. But once you unblock the fear and move forward, nothing is more rewarding. Here's to multiple streams of income!

9. White nectarines are the most delicious things I have eaten today. Fresh local stone fruits galore. Mmmm.

10. Books. Something else I have felt grateful for pretty much every single day since I was a child. I love the way they smell, the way they feel, the way they look on shelves and the power they have to transform your day into a magical adventure, or to transform your entire life if you let them.

11. Zoe Keating for being one of my biggest musical inspirations. This forest cellista is truly amazing. I cannot wait til I've mastered my strings enough to get looping.

12. Fleece socks. Sometimes it really is the little things.

13. Coconut milk. In a smoothie, or a chai latte, added to cooked veggies, in cereal - the options are endless!

14. Manzanita trees, especially the one right outside my little glass bedroom walls.

15. Blueberries are in season, which means local, organic & cheap all fall in line!

16. Sunrise. Was awake for my first one in awhile and the hills of Marin were even more stunning than usual. I love living here.

17. Dresses. Totally adore wearing them & skirts every day if possible. It feels good to be back in my normal body & feel super sexy in my old clothes that were waiting for me to heal.

18. Kiehl's for giving me a gazillion free samples to play with. I'm digging the Amazonian clay.

19. Chick flicks. I hadn't watched one in the longest time, but this afternoon when I couldn't nap, it was just the perfect brainless thing to keep me company while resting.

20. Herb dreams. Since I put off herb school because I wanted to get my finances completely in order this year, I've been daydreaming a lot about all the fun stuff I will be able to make when I finally do go. It makes the delay pass with more ease & I have a longer time to be excited about it.

21. Cute guys. Especially ones who like organic food, and are just so open. Marin is full of them & I am loving the energy.

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