Wednesday, October 8, 2008

13 is lucky...

1. Wear Sunscreen video. I had read the essay many years ago, but today my friend showed me the video version, and it's really amazing. These are definitely things we need to be reminded of more often, so I'm glad I got to see this today. Thanks, Caitanya!

2. SFBC Volunteer Night rocks my world. I love all the volunteer work I do for the Bike Coalition, but volunteer night is definitely something special and I've met a lot of great folks who always come out.

3. Super productive days. I got a lot done today, and it was nice to just plow through a bunch of things without taking a break like I had been doing the last few days.

4. To-do lists are so much fun to make. I really enjoy them. And today came the ultimate satisfaction of crossing out a bunch of items, instead of just a few. Fun fun fun.

5. Business planning in phases is something I never really did before. I used to just list out the things I needed to do, but now I've worked out different phases to be more organized and move swiftly through the process.

6. Having the house to myself felt great. My friend is visiting, and it's been lots of fun, but i need a balance of alone time to be productive and stay feeling good, plus I am used to living alone, so today was absolutely wonderful.

7. The SFBC days without bike lanes widget is awesome, and I've now added it to my blog and my facebook page. You can get your own here.

8. Travel Journal Contests. I love that Flavorpill keeps doing these amazing contests. I hope one day I will be selected to take photos and blog on their travel journal, so I can be one step closer to attaining my travel photographer goals.

9. Walking around like you have a secret produces this awesome Mona Lisa smile that causes everyone on the street to be drawn to you. Try it. I swear it works.

10. Domain name hunting allows you to see some really weird websites. For example, I checked to see if was available, and it's sitting vacant while someone is trying to make a fortune selling it, so I got a good laugh and then checked which was all about herpes and genital warts. Totally not what I was expecting.

11. Going to bed early. It's the first night all week that I'm going to make a conscious effort to get to bed near my old time, just like when I had a job. I just feel way more productive if I start working at 9am instead of 10 or 11.

12. Handmade dolls are awesome. Now I'll have enough free time to finish mine. I looked at what I had started a year or 2 ago, and it made me happy to finally take it out of the box.

13. Glittery thread adds a little special touch.

14. Black sequins walk the fine line of classy/trashy. I love walking the line.

15. A good knife makes all the difference in the world when it comes to whipping up quick, delicious raw meals.

16. Things made out of wood. It's so much nicer than plastic, and those natural anti-bacterial aspects & not polluting the planet through chemical manufacturing are huge added bonuses.

17. Free notebooks are helping me keep track of things these days.

18. Free dinner has filled my tummy and kept me from opening my wallet.

19. A sense of community is one of my favorite things about San Francisco. And community here comes in so many forms - it can be music, your local neighborhood, people on bikes, the art scene, raw foodists, DIY fashionistas...whatever you seek, we've got. In a city of outcasts, can we still be considered that?

20. Anita is one of many lovely people I've met through volunteering with the SFBC. She's just super warm, friendly and her eyes and smile always light up the room. I'm always glad when our paths cross.

21. A quiet apartment makes it easier to clear the head and focus on what really counts.

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