2. Reminders from the Universe. I sat next to one of the sweetest, most heart-centered, compassionate, kind souls. There was nothing between us on an intimate level (and he already has a lovely wife), but I know he will become a dear friend, and it was a beautiful reminder of the 'kind' of man I deserve in my life, the kind of energy I am seeking in partnership - warm, open, compassionate, emotionally available, gentle. Sometimes we need these reminders that those things do exist so we can keep our hearts open & trusting to allow them to appear to us.
3. Learning to love your pains. When my back was cracking in the tipi & I wished the 10-year injury away, this same sweet brother reminded me,"You have to love your pains or else they grow stronger." Aho!
4. Morning dew. In the Mendocino morning dew, I saw an entire Universe being birthed on a piece of tree bark. So much life, so many living things taking shape to create a system.
5. Mushroom season is my favorite season! It's time to forage a ton of goodies to cook with this year. Chanterelles especially.
6. Free massages. At this last ceremony, I met another sweet brother studying Tibetan Medicine who gave me a wonderful massage to help my tense neck & shoulders that have been troubling.
7. Durwin WhiteLightning was one of the greatest teachers to have blessed my life. This ceremony was a memorial ceremony to commemorate the 1-year anniversary of his death. It was so beautiful to gather & celebrate his life & share all the gifts he had given us with each other. My heart is cracked wide open.
8. Amazing Grace has been my favorite song my whole life. I think I was on that ship when it came to be in a past life. I found out it was Durwin's favorite song too when someone asked me to sing it. I wonder if our souls recognized each other in this life from that ship. It would not surprise me.
9. Random acts of kindness. Another sweet brother at the ceremony gave me some beautiful peyote beadwork to keep - a necklace with green, hexagram plant - so auspicious for me to have as I begin the next stage of my medicine woman journey. Thank you, stranger.
10. Kiera for bringing tears to my eyes as she shared from her heart what an angel I have been in her life during her darkest hours. I am so grateful to have friend who see me, and to be able to hold space for them & love them exactly as they are. She is a gift.
11. Angel syncs. The next day I was having a tough time & remembered her words. I began to think of these angle wing tribal earrings I'd had my eyes on for awhile. I looked up and saw a sign that said "Golden Angel Jewelers" & decided it's time to step into my angel powers and own them. I've been needing a style change anyway :)

12. Sacred foods for helping us end ceremony is such a delightful way. I love these prayers, I love blessing what we put into our bodies, I love it all.
13. Tennessee Valley hikes are the perfect daily exercise while I'm staying in Mill Valley for a few weeks. It's one of my favorite hikes to the ocean, so beautiful.
14. Feasting bunnies. Yesterday while I hiked at dusk, I saw about 30 rabbits come out to feast on the grass at sunset. It was so sweet. I love these cycles of life.
15. New friends. I am just always meeting so many sweet, sweet souls. I love these connections, especially the ones I feel I will know a bit more, a bit longer. Blessed humans.
16. Ashwagandha root is godsend. I've been taking a tincture of ashwagandha, licorice, eleuthero, ginseng, gotu kola, hawthorn, astragalus & ginger that is simply magical. My adrenals are so very happy & supported.
17. Herb School! As it gets closer to the start of the 8-month herbalism program I have been accepted into, I am getting more & more excited, my heart is leaping with joy & I have a massive smile on my face every time I think about it. It's going to be amazing.
18. Garden Apprenticeship. Though I've already been accepted into the Herbalism program, I've also applied for one of the coveted Garden Apprenticeship slots which would give the opportunity to actually live on the land there, as well as 2 more days full of learning & spending time communicating with the plants. Tomorrow is my in-person interview & I am so excited to see the land again. It told me I had to live there.
19. Business transformation. The company I started, Earth Alchemy, is undergoing major transformation to shift from an herbal, raw chocolate company to a full-on herbal company selling tinctures, salves, medicines, teas, soaps, beauty care products, a new line of herbal chocolates & an infinite amount of herbal love. I am so excited for this expansion & transformation.
20. Forest stew. Time to make an amazing dinner of forest stew from some local mushrooms, venison & a ton of veggies. I love creating healthy, nourishing dishes!
21. Love. It is just overflowing in my life right now. I am feeling so grounded, so centered, so ready to shift so many things & move into this next stage of creating the life I've been dreaming about.
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