2. Divine bursts of motivation took over me today as I realized that I once used to run straight towards my fears to create the best life ever. The last several months I've been waiting for them to go away, but today remembered to move through them is the only way, so I made a lot of progress getting ready to launch my new website for my healing practice. I'm consolidating all the small projects I've been doing for the last few years into one place. Feels so good!
3. Lydia one of my tribal clan in Austin, TX. Today we had such a beautiful talk about love, life, spirit, the usual. I am so blessed to have her reflection in my life. We are putting together a very special project for 2012 in New Zealand.
4. Special Projects! It feels so good to be all buzzing with creative thoughts from source about the retreat Lydia & I are creating for the 2012 lunar eclipse in New Zealand. We are blending all our shamanic work & passions together. It will be part cleanse & emotional work, part ceremony, part dance...I cannot wait to watch it unfold each step of the way.
5. Govinda for providing a fantastic soundtrack to get so much work done. Give a listen to that electronic fiddle magic:
6. Newness. I am so relishing every moment of giving birth to this next phase of my life - it's so fresh, exciting & mysterious.
7. Trust. Knowing with every fiber of my being that everything is unfolding absolutely perfectly, no matter the outcome. It all leads me exactly where I need to be all the time, this magical flow of life.
8. CSHS. I went to herb school yesterday to interview for one of the coveted Garden Apprenticeship slots in my program. It'll give me an additional 2 days in the garden with the plants, soaking up the massive wealth of knowledge the gardener has to share. I am so in love with this place. This next year of my life is going to be so beautiful - I'm so excited.
9. Dancing Freedom & Samantha Sweetwater. Her work is amazing & after all this time dancing 5 Rhythms, I am eager to train to teach something. Manifesting my way to the facilitator training on Mt. Shasta in a few months:
10. Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck is awesome. Even though I've know the pieces of my divine path/life's purpose/calling/right life & have been moving towards it, this book not only helps to reaffirm what I already know, but helps me put together the pieces in a more clearly defined way which is helping me move mountains.
11. Daily walks are back again. Oh, how I missed this sunset nature prayer ritual of mine. Life just isn't the same without it.
12. Winter in Northern California is gorgeous. I love this season - the rolling hills transform from their golden summer hues to the lush, deep green that make my soul soar. Everything is so ripe for life, the mushrooms are everywhere, the water is abundant.
13. New Zealand dreams. Before I left for my year of travel in the states, a dream began to take shape of WWOOFing in New Zealand at farms where I could get skilled in beekeeping & winemaking. Now with the retreat Lydia & I are putting together, it's finally getting called into being.
14. The Plant Nation for filling my life with splendor & awe over and over.
15. Free housing just keeps appearing, allowing me to save for my tuition. Thank you, Universe so always providing for me, miracle after miracle.
16. Free legal advice from a stellar lawyer. Thank you, Jerome, for helping me learn how to get my business stuff in order.
17. Dancing in the wilderness is such good medicine. When I become a dance facilitator, I will be taking the dance floor out to the forest regularly. Barefoot, grounded, natural. Mmmm.
18. Flow. Feels so good to just be on a roll with everything right now, constant motion, moving forward, expanding, flowing.
19. Bomb salads chock full of the best organic produce ever. Yum.
20. Crow medicine always on the trail. So much wisdom to be shared.
21. The land. I just love this planet so much. My heart comes undone with each hike, camping trip, adventure. Each tree pulls at my heart strings & willingly I give my love.
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