Thursday, September 11, 2008

day 3...

1. Weekend Sherpa For sending me the dopest hikes, weekend escapes, and adventures in the bay area every single week. This site (and their newsletter) have given me access to so many wonderful experiences.

2. Talent with Words Because speaking my mind to in that letter to my angry, ego-centered boss made me feel so good and happy. I'm going to keep fighting for what is right until it's time to quit and move on.

3. Almond Law Suits and the Cornucopia Institute for fighting the bigger battles.

4. Thuc For daily stimulation, great inspiring conversations, and laughter via g-chat. She's always working on these funny little projects like ask a weasel to make people smile while working on the deeper political issues as well.

5. Emily For being part of the universe's master plan. I was thinking about helping others with healing and raw food transitions, and then her inquiry fell into my lap a few short hours later. And she is truly wonderful to work with. What a great opportunity!

6. Activate World News Filtered by Flavorpill gathers all the news I'd be reading eventually throughout the week and puts it all in one clever email with loads of links, photos and simplicity! I cannot even explain how much time this one saves me, while still allowing me to know what's going on all over the world. I used to spend HOURS every day reading the news before this, and still ended up knowing just as much.

7. Headphones My daily walks home just wouldn't be the same without them. Nor would bus rides, long flights, train rides or anything else that requires waiting.

8. California Produce I am soooo blessed to have a longer span of time in which to get so many fresh, delicious things to eat. Our climate allows for a lot of diversity in luscious organic crops, and even during the winter, I can eat like a queen.

9. The Living Light Institute How is it possible that a place like this even exists? I'm going to begin my nutrition certification next month. Yay!

10. Biomimicry cuz nature is wisdom.

11. Marina Abramovic One of the most amazing and inspiring Serbian artists! Her little girls with guns photo is printed out and hanging by my desk, like a little group of guardians protecting me while I watch over them. Every time my boss drives me insane, I look at this image and it makes me smile and want to make the world better. She also sold her house to establish an art foundation on the Hudson, and if that's not generosity, than I don't know what is.

12. Elyssa For taking the time to try and make her wedding as green and sustainable as possible. Each and every person that tries to do a little individually adds up into a very large difference.

13. My other boss For being nice to me, and for just being such a character. He gives me a million things to laugh at every day just by being who he is.

14. My dream last night It was really comforting, inspiring and mysterious. lately, I keep having dreams with faceless figures in them.

15. Daniel Pinchbeck For writing "2012" and putting together all the different thoughts and theories into one place. I wanted a book that did this before it even existed, so finally finding it was extra special.

16. Basil The smell of it freshly chopped permeates any room.

17. Today Because I lived in NYC on this day in 2001 and we all went through a lot. It's also my parents 40th anniversary today, and in 40 years they have gone through a lot too.

18. Purified Water The water at work is super filtered clean and tastes amazing.

19. Flannel Sheets They just feel so great on my skin. I like rubbing my feet against them when the wind blows in and I've just hit the snooze button.

20. Clean Air Public Transportation SF's bus system runs on electric cables, so it's not using tons of oil and spewing nasty chemicals out into the air. Even though I'd rather ride a bike, I still love this!

21. Grey Mornings Though I generally am a bigger fan of sunshiney mornings, the greyness when I woke up today was quite nice. It has a romantic, mysterious, melancholy feel to it that sometimes just feels so nice.


Anonymous said...

Many thanks for the kind words! Your post just made our day.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I work for The Cornucopia Institute, and we are honored to be on your gratitude list for Sept 11 about our fight for raw almonds!

If you're interested in helping us a step further, please know we are in great need of funds to support our lawsuit against the USDA. You could help us further by letting your readers know we need this help. I can provide you more background information about the lawsuit and ways people can help us out.

Lynn Christianson
Research Associate
The Cornucpoia Institute