Wednesday, September 10, 2008

day two...

perhaps in a few days i'll also start posting things i'd like to place my intentions on, to help manifest, but for now, just the 21...

1. Intuition perhaps the greatest gift of them all. I know when I'm struggling with making a decision and something just doesn't feel right that as soon as I decide to not proceed with that plan, I feel much better and know it was the right thing to do. As I get older and healthier, it becomes much easier to listen to this inner voice and ignore the people that tell me otherwise.

2. A Steady Job even though it is not the one I want, it is the one I need for now to get me on to the next place and knowing I'm on the right path makes it easier to continue doing something I don't love because it's leading to something I do love.

3. Rainbow Grocery my local co-op has it all!

4. Figs by far, one of my favorite things to eat. sometimes with rasperry agave syrup and freshly sliced mint, sometimes in a cashew honey smoothie, but often just plain and slice in half so i can see the beauty of their perfect design.

5. Dinner with Tanya, Regs & Zack exactly what I needed to feel comfort and nourishment last night.

6. Indian Summers Now that it's been a few years and I've gone through the cycles more than once, I think I've finally adjusted to the seasons here and the fact that summer generally begins at the end of August and goes til October.

7. Sleeping with Open Windows I'm always grateful when it's warm enough to sleep with the windows open. I always feel best in the morning when I've slept breathing fresh air, and it's found its way in through my skin.

8. Shoes with Zippers shoe laces are just so over-rated.

9. The Sun it gives me so much energy and makes me feel so good. Radiant, really.

10. Tracie for being such an amazingly thorough and smart project manager and sparing me lots of headaches. It makes my job so much easier to work with people who are pro-active.

11. Layne for holding our entire office together every single day. I don't know how he finds the strength to deal with all the crap that he has to manage, and it's a definite inspiration.

12. Denim without which I might be naked every day. Not that I would mind, but you know...there are laws and whatnot.

13. Burt's Bees Tomato Complexion Soap the earthy smell of it is intoxicating.

14. Skin it's our largest organ, and I do my best to not pollute it with chemicals, lotions, perfumes, etc and in return I get rewarded with it staying super soft and smooth.

15. The SFBC for which I am extremely honoured to be involved with. They're a first rate organization, dedicated to making the world a better place by making it safer for the greatest invention of all time, and every time I volunteer with them I meet the most amazing people. Plus Kate, Lisa Ruth, Kash and the folks that make it all happen are such inspriring folks to talk to, and being able to spend time with people who believe so passionately in changing the world is a serious blessing.

16. Unsavory Looking Peaches I just love peaches soooo much so I usually opt for tons of them as often as possible during the season, but since the locally grown ones haven't been looking so great this last week, I've been eating nectarines every day and if not for the lack of good peaches this last week I might not have been forced to realize how delicious nectarines really are.

17. Macs every single day that I am stuck working on a PC at work just makes me love my Apple at home even more.

18. Wataya her advice on putting together retreats is going to come in very handy for the trips Tanya and I are planning. Her energy is wonderful, and talking to her about how much I love anasura and why (she's an instructor) re-affirmed to me that I really need to get back to my practice very soon.

19. The anticipation of Jill's visit it's been like 2.5 years since I've seen her, and since she moved to Portland last winter, we've been trying to find time in our schedules that works for both of us. I'm super excited to see her and will be thankful for her visit when it's actually here, but right now that anticipation of seeing a friend is so nice.

20. Dying orchids i really like saving things and bringing them back to live. Nourishment is so important for them and me.

21. David Wolfe and Nick Good for writing the following beautiful words which I have been nodding my head to the past few days:
"...the forces of nature are never in balance - the yin-yang symbol is incorrect - overall constructive forces must predominate in the universe or nothing could exist."

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