Saturday, July 10, 2010


1. Speaking my truth. It's not always easy with some people, but speaking how I genuinely feel from a place of love & not allowing anyone to tell me I 'should' feel or be any differently than I am feels so delicious & empowering. It's removed so much fear and allowed to go to even deeper levels of self-love & alignment with my inner guidance. Eternally grateful for all of this healing.

2. Reiki clinic beauty. I'm fulfilling yet another one of my dreams by putting my healing abilities to good use as a practitioner at SF's sliding-scale reiki clinic. Bringing affordable healing to the masses is a longtime dream of mine, I can't believe I'm really a part of something so major.

3. I Will Be Light by Matisyahu has become one of my anthems the last few months. I just can't seem to get enough of it. Burn Away the Darkness:

4. Surprises. Life is so full of them, each one bringing the magic of joy to us. I love a good mystery. ;)

5. Bird medicine. Saw a hawk, Great Blue Heron, egret, hummingbird & a plethora of swallows all in the span of an hour. I love where I live.

6. Releasing. Feels so good letting go. Every time I let go of things that no longer fit, it frees up so much space & the things I've been craving instantly come in to fill that space. It's an instant confirmation from the Universe - follow your gut!

7. Redwood hot tub in my backyard. Nightly soaks staring up talking to the star brothers & sisters, mmm, I love this before bed ritual.

8. Dance medicine. I know I've said it a million times, but I'll say it again - I love my dance familia & this 5 Rhythms movement medicine that has brought so much love & beauty into my life.

9. Palo Santo for clearing the energies & tickling my senses.

10. Ceremonial life just fills me up. All these Native ways of living, praying, bring with the land & our hearts. This path brings me so much joy, so much growth, so much healing and so much love for everything.

11. Chocolate selling galore. It feels so wonderful to make money doing something that I love. I look forward to the day when all of my income is coming only from things I love - art, traveling, healing work, raw chocolate & making music.

12. Voice healing. At a ceremony awhile back, the curandero told me I must sing. When I was younger I had an amazing voice, and as I got older, the 5th chakra issues that manifested as hypothyroidism blocked me. Singing & getting my voice back has been such a beautiful part of my healing path - I am so grateful to hear it coming back & transforming beyond its previous capacity. Love this!

13. Photography. It still fills my heart & soul up, after all these years. I still get so much joy from photographing, printing, editing bodies of work. What a huge gift from the Universe, to find things that are always lifting you up, allowing you to express yourself.

14. Permacultured backyards. I love where I live. It's so magical to grab fresh food from the yard and bring it in to prepare a meal. Extra delicious, extra rewarding & extra simple.

15. The little ones. Seems to be a big burst of baby-making going on amongst my friends. I guess we are finally hitting the age where it's time to settle down & create families. I love seeing all these beautiful ways in which life chooses to express itself in human form. It does wonders for my heart.

16. Summer. Now that I live in nature & am outside the city, I experience summer temperatures again. Feels so good & to think I'm only a 25 minute drive to SF. It feels like I am worlds away, here amongst the redwoods & waterfalls. Best move I ever made.

17. Divine guidance. I have noticed how my inner guidance has so very openly steered me to all the places I've needed to live & how much those places served in my growth in transformation - NYC, SF, Fairfax and especially that year of traveling around in line with my true gypsy nature. I trust that I will always know exactly where I am supposed to go so long as I take the time to listen inside. Some things, we just know.

18. The waluta from my vision quest in May hangs on my wall where I am called to look at it constantly. Over and over again, I am reminded of my prayer from the vision quest, my time up on the hill & all that has unfolded since. It is working, this constant prayer to be in a dis-ease free body.

19. Health. These last few months of cycling back in to heal a chronic illness have been so challenging, but I know that each step is part of the process & is bringing me back to health & vitality. I can feel the changes in my body, my energy levels, my mood, and am grateful to finally be feeling like I am closer to being myself again. After 2 years of feeling amazing & living the life of my dreams, it was so scary to cycle back in & I am so grateful for this natural healing path & all I have learned from it.

20. Wildcrafted herbs made into tea and tinctures, oh my. I love this plant-filled life.

21. Heart-opening again and again. The deeper we go into self-love, the deeper our ability to open our hearts to all the amazing people in our lives. I am so grateful for the amazing, positive, nourishing connections I've cultivated in the last few years that have made this a constant process. I love you.