1. Corte Madera Creek for providing me with such fulfillment every day. I love exploring new places, but it also feels good to have found one steady place to go on my walks & get to know it, develop a relationship with it.
2. The Buddha altar that someone set up at the creek. It's become the location of almost daily prayers for me lately & has provided a strong, grounded, safe place for me to release what no longer fits & set intentions for what's coming next.
3. Prayers of release. One prayer in particular this week was exceptionally powerful & I could feel instant shifts rippling through my life for the next week. An answer I had been seeking was finally ready to reveal itself to me. Beautiful, divine flow.
4. The Soulmate Experience. My friend Mali & Joe share such a beautiful soulmate connection & share it with the world in the form of their fb site and a soon to be published book. Amazing light beings of love showing me that what I have been looking for really exists.
5. Wild fennel smells intoxicatingly wonderful.
6. Nourish taking shape. One of my side passion projects that has been hit with a hiccup has picked back up and is taking shape in the most beautiful & delightful way. I cannot wait to share it with the world.
7. Good goddess conversation. I am so grateful for all the beautiful women in my life who I resonate & connect with on deeper levels. The goddess bond grows stronger each day.
8. Raw tiramisu is delectable. Thank you, Cafe Gratitude.
9.Great work environments with good people. I am really loving my current temp assignment. Everyone is so nice & friendly and the environment is lovely.
10. Free lunch twice a week, plus leftovers. Helping me tackle project debt elimination. Progress is being made.
11. Gorgeous boat commutes. It's so peaceful to ride the ferry to work in the mornings, spending 30 minutes gliding over the words gazing at the gorgeous land masses. And the ferry terminals are both so close to my home & this current job.
12. Saying no, especially to things I really just don't want to do. Eliminating distractions from my soul purpose feels so good. I've gotten so much better at this the last few years. There was a time when I always said yes & helped everyone all the time & never gave enough to me. I am glad those days are gone & no doesn't feel like a dirty word anymore. Now it's a way to empower myself to live the best life ever.
13. Back in the zen garden. I used to work across from this gorgeous garden in Levi's Plaza and spent my lunches basking in the sun, watching hummingbirds & soaking in the beauty of life. My new job is right next to it.
14. The cyclical nature of life. It's funny that the Universe places me across from my old job to heal that situation. My old boss there was verbally abusive & even though getting fired right when I had put it out to the Universe that I wanted to quit was the best thing that ever happened to me, I still had a foul taste left in my mouth. I took serious issue with the lack of ethics or respect for civil rights in that place & how to them it really was all about money. But I got closure this week in seeing that I am so happy with my life & they all still seemed so stressed out, miserable & chasing after something that will never fill them up. That foul taste got replaces with compassion & gratitude for having been released from that kind of environment.
15. Moving Center School work-trade. I'm now a member of the crew for my beautiful 5 Rhythms dance community. I'll be working at Sweat Your Prayers a few times a month and crewing at The Moving Center School workshops in exchange for lots & lots of free and reduced dancing.
16. Deepening my commitments to this dance path feels so natural & right. This movement medicine has changed my life and helped me heal in so many ways. I cannot even express the gratitude I have for this beautiful way of praying & growing & for the beautiful welcome I have received from this community. It feels so good to be taking things to the next level, deepening in my practice and connections with these beings.
17. Lori & Kathy who are masters of this work. Their teachings have lit up my life, given me so much, helped me through so many big shifts in my life.
18. This beautiful body. I have never felt as comfortable in my body has I have this year, so full of love, appreciation & commitment to loving it & taking care of it. It is a marvelous machine & I hope it lasts until I am 100 at least. :)
19. Imogen Heap for being so amazing & filling the world with beauty. I've been addicted to finding beautiful dubstep remixes of 'Hide and Seek' lately:
20. Ingrid Michaelson for a beautiful song that breaks my heart & fills it back up again:
21. Trentemøller for so many delicious songs, but especially this one:
Monday, June 28, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
1. 5 Rhythms for bringing such profound healing into my life time and time again. I was awarded a scholarship to attend the latest 3 day workshop, entitled 'The Relationship Dance' and am still riding the wave of bliss. This movement medicine is one of the most amazing things in my life, and I am grateful every time I get to dance with my community.
2. Scholarships for making it possible for me to attend several events this year that I would not have been able to afford otherwise. The Universe is always providing!
3. Partners. So many different beings out there, each one brought into our lives for a reason. I had so many amazing partner dances this weekend that taught me so much about myself & relationship, and brought so much joy into my life.
4. Clarity. This workshop also gave me a lot of clarity on my last relationship and the lessons that teacher had for me. I am grateful for all that I am learning in this process of intimate unfolding. It suits me well to be so open with my heart.
5. Hafiz. I love Rumi just like everyone else, but Hafiz also holds an extra special place in my heart. He makes my soul melt into a giant puddle of bliss with every line.
6. Blindfold dancing. It wasn't exactly a trance-dance, but we did this exercise where we danced blindfolded, alone & with a few different partners for several songs. I feel like it's definitely something to integrate into my next partnership when difficulties arise - put the blindfolds on, turn the music up, and dance together until the energy dissipates and you can see things from a fresh perspective.
7. Connection. Another beautiful exercise was dancing around the room, stopping in front of new sets of eyes and energetically sending love, peace, healthy and the ability to move through life with ease to all these amazing souls. So much more can be said without words, it's true. This energetic connection of looking into one another's eyes is so powerful.
8. Comedies. Laugh medicine has also been big in my life lately.
9. Redwood hot tubs. Nothing like coming home from 6 hours of dancing & plopping right into the hot tub outside your bedroom to watch the sunset over the mountains. So grateful for my backyard oasis!
10. Community. I just always feel so full of love & so overflowing whenever I dance with my community. I can't explain it, it's like an energetic family where words are rarely spoken.
11. Dating. Been really needing to just go out on dates & explore my options again and enjoy the newness of other men. While I miss the wild chemistry & deep connection I had with my last guy, it is nice to just explore & be open to whatever wonderful thing is headed my way next.
12. Buddhas by the creek for giving me a beautiful place to pray on my sunset walk today. I love discovering new sacred nooks & look forward to the manifestation of this prayer, as I know it is already on it's way.
13. Barnes & Noble for being the modern day library, with tea. I'm not much for corporate chains, but you have no idea how much research I've gotten done at these places on my travels!
14. Purging. Sometimes it comes out in tears, sometimes laughter, sometimes yawns...I find peace in knowing that whatever needs to come out of us always finds a way when we allow it.
15. Vulnerability for allowing us to connect & open our hearts truly & fully to others, laying everything open in our sacred connections.
16. Intimacy. It's what keeps me dancing this beautiful dance of relationship. I love that closeness of knowing someone deeply, sharing private moments of joy, ecstasy, love, tenderness, and beauty, the Oneness that it brings to us.
17. Raspberries for being so fresh & delicious. I love summer.
18. Financial stability. It feels nice to have stabilized my income again after a year of traveling & coming back to start my own business. It's been a struggle but I am happy to be back on track with operation debt removal!
19. Opportunity. I love how we always have a choice to make something an opportunity to love more, to open more, to be of service, to stretch ourselves, to grow, etc. Life is so very different when you view things as opportunities instead of misfortunes. So different!
20. Moonbathing. Luna woke me up at 4am for a little eclipse moonbath that lasted forever. It felt nice to just lounge in bed in the glow.
21. The Unknowing for keeping life a mystery to me every day. So magical, so beautiful, so full of surprise as it all unfolds in the most perfect way.
2. Scholarships for making it possible for me to attend several events this year that I would not have been able to afford otherwise. The Universe is always providing!
3. Partners. So many different beings out there, each one brought into our lives for a reason. I had so many amazing partner dances this weekend that taught me so much about myself & relationship, and brought so much joy into my life.
4. Clarity. This workshop also gave me a lot of clarity on my last relationship and the lessons that teacher had for me. I am grateful for all that I am learning in this process of intimate unfolding. It suits me well to be so open with my heart.
5. Hafiz. I love Rumi just like everyone else, but Hafiz also holds an extra special place in my heart. He makes my soul melt into a giant puddle of bliss with every line.
6. Blindfold dancing. It wasn't exactly a trance-dance, but we did this exercise where we danced blindfolded, alone & with a few different partners for several songs. I feel like it's definitely something to integrate into my next partnership when difficulties arise - put the blindfolds on, turn the music up, and dance together until the energy dissipates and you can see things from a fresh perspective.
7. Connection. Another beautiful exercise was dancing around the room, stopping in front of new sets of eyes and energetically sending love, peace, healthy and the ability to move through life with ease to all these amazing souls. So much more can be said without words, it's true. This energetic connection of looking into one another's eyes is so powerful.
8. Comedies. Laugh medicine has also been big in my life lately.
9. Redwood hot tubs. Nothing like coming home from 6 hours of dancing & plopping right into the hot tub outside your bedroom to watch the sunset over the mountains. So grateful for my backyard oasis!
10. Community. I just always feel so full of love & so overflowing whenever I dance with my community. I can't explain it, it's like an energetic family where words are rarely spoken.
11. Dating. Been really needing to just go out on dates & explore my options again and enjoy the newness of other men. While I miss the wild chemistry & deep connection I had with my last guy, it is nice to just explore & be open to whatever wonderful thing is headed my way next.
12. Buddhas by the creek for giving me a beautiful place to pray on my sunset walk today. I love discovering new sacred nooks & look forward to the manifestation of this prayer, as I know it is already on it's way.
13. Barnes & Noble for being the modern day library, with tea. I'm not much for corporate chains, but you have no idea how much research I've gotten done at these places on my travels!
14. Purging. Sometimes it comes out in tears, sometimes laughter, sometimes yawns...I find peace in knowing that whatever needs to come out of us always finds a way when we allow it.
15. Vulnerability for allowing us to connect & open our hearts truly & fully to others, laying everything open in our sacred connections.
16. Intimacy. It's what keeps me dancing this beautiful dance of relationship. I love that closeness of knowing someone deeply, sharing private moments of joy, ecstasy, love, tenderness, and beauty, the Oneness that it brings to us.
17. Raspberries for being so fresh & delicious. I love summer.
18. Financial stability. It feels nice to have stabilized my income again after a year of traveling & coming back to start my own business. It's been a struggle but I am happy to be back on track with operation debt removal!
19. Opportunity. I love how we always have a choice to make something an opportunity to love more, to open more, to be of service, to stretch ourselves, to grow, etc. Life is so very different when you view things as opportunities instead of misfortunes. So different!
20. Moonbathing. Luna woke me up at 4am for a little eclipse moonbath that lasted forever. It felt nice to just lounge in bed in the glow.
21. The Unknowing for keeping life a mystery to me every day. So magical, so beautiful, so full of surprise as it all unfolds in the most perfect way.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
1. Magic sunsets over the wetlands preserve. Everything was hot pink & purple and reflecting in the water full of ducks. My almost-daily sunset walks near bodies of water are one of the most important rituals in my life - so vital to my soul.
2. Jasmine blooming all over the path filling the night-time air with deliciousness.
3. Credo Mobile for sending me a new free phone just because they felt it was time for an upgrade.
4. Chai tea for still being something I am always grateful for, even after all these years of dedicated drinking.
5. Super manifesting. I had several incidents today of having the Universe deliver exactly what I was wishing for just minutes after I put it out there that I wanted it. I love when I am tapped into this flow to receive!
6. Completed statements of intent. I have not yet figured out how to not get stuck on them, but I will soon. And having someone sit right next to you to talk about them as you write them definitely helps the process. Thank you, Lauren!
7. Feeling ready to dive in! I've had a few projects on hold the last few months & it feels good to finally dust them off, move past the fear and take the next steps. This has been my most productive week in ages on 3 different projects.
8. Creating your own income is amazing. It was easy to start the chocolate company because I was still temping a lot, but the closer I get to sustaining myself more & more on my own talents, the scarier it gets. But once you unblock the fear and move forward, nothing is more rewarding. Here's to multiple streams of income!
9. White nectarines are the most delicious things I have eaten today. Fresh local stone fruits galore. Mmmm.
10. Books. Something else I have felt grateful for pretty much every single day since I was a child. I love the way they smell, the way they feel, the way they look on shelves and the power they have to transform your day into a magical adventure, or to transform your entire life if you let them.
11. Zoe Keating for being one of my biggest musical inspirations. This forest cellista is truly amazing. I cannot wait til I've mastered my strings enough to get looping.
12. Fleece socks. Sometimes it really is the little things.
13. Coconut milk. In a smoothie, or a chai latte, added to cooked veggies, in cereal - the options are endless!
14. Manzanita trees, especially the one right outside my little glass bedroom walls.
15. Blueberries are in season, which means local, organic & cheap all fall in line!
16. Sunrise. Was awake for my first one in awhile and the hills of Marin were even more stunning than usual. I love living here.
17. Dresses. Totally adore wearing them & skirts every day if possible. It feels good to be back in my normal body & feel super sexy in my old clothes that were waiting for me to heal.
18. Kiehl's for giving me a gazillion free samples to play with. I'm digging the Amazonian clay.
19. Chick flicks. I hadn't watched one in the longest time, but this afternoon when I couldn't nap, it was just the perfect brainless thing to keep me company while resting.
20. Herb dreams. Since I put off herb school because I wanted to get my finances completely in order this year, I've been daydreaming a lot about all the fun stuff I will be able to make when I finally do go. It makes the delay pass with more ease & I have a longer time to be excited about it.
21. Cute guys. Especially ones who like organic food, and are just so open. Marin is full of them & I am loving the energy.
2. Jasmine blooming all over the path filling the night-time air with deliciousness.
3. Credo Mobile for sending me a new free phone just because they felt it was time for an upgrade.
4. Chai tea for still being something I am always grateful for, even after all these years of dedicated drinking.
5. Super manifesting. I had several incidents today of having the Universe deliver exactly what I was wishing for just minutes after I put it out there that I wanted it. I love when I am tapped into this flow to receive!
6. Completed statements of intent. I have not yet figured out how to not get stuck on them, but I will soon. And having someone sit right next to you to talk about them as you write them definitely helps the process. Thank you, Lauren!
7. Feeling ready to dive in! I've had a few projects on hold the last few months & it feels good to finally dust them off, move past the fear and take the next steps. This has been my most productive week in ages on 3 different projects.
8. Creating your own income is amazing. It was easy to start the chocolate company because I was still temping a lot, but the closer I get to sustaining myself more & more on my own talents, the scarier it gets. But once you unblock the fear and move forward, nothing is more rewarding. Here's to multiple streams of income!
9. White nectarines are the most delicious things I have eaten today. Fresh local stone fruits galore. Mmmm.
10. Books. Something else I have felt grateful for pretty much every single day since I was a child. I love the way they smell, the way they feel, the way they look on shelves and the power they have to transform your day into a magical adventure, or to transform your entire life if you let them.
11. Zoe Keating for being one of my biggest musical inspirations. This forest cellista is truly amazing. I cannot wait til I've mastered my strings enough to get looping.
12. Fleece socks. Sometimes it really is the little things.
13. Coconut milk. In a smoothie, or a chai latte, added to cooked veggies, in cereal - the options are endless!
14. Manzanita trees, especially the one right outside my little glass bedroom walls.
15. Blueberries are in season, which means local, organic & cheap all fall in line!
16. Sunrise. Was awake for my first one in awhile and the hills of Marin were even more stunning than usual. I love living here.
17. Dresses. Totally adore wearing them & skirts every day if possible. It feels good to be back in my normal body & feel super sexy in my old clothes that were waiting for me to heal.
18. Kiehl's for giving me a gazillion free samples to play with. I'm digging the Amazonian clay.
19. Chick flicks. I hadn't watched one in the longest time, but this afternoon when I couldn't nap, it was just the perfect brainless thing to keep me company while resting.
20. Herb dreams. Since I put off herb school because I wanted to get my finances completely in order this year, I've been daydreaming a lot about all the fun stuff I will be able to make when I finally do go. It makes the delay pass with more ease & I have a longer time to be excited about it.
21. Cute guys. Especially ones who like organic food, and are just so open. Marin is full of them & I am loving the energy.
Monday, June 21, 2010
1. Moonbeams that dance their way through the skylight & glass walls of my bedroom to play on my face as I drift into dreamland.
2. Amazing friends that receive all this love I have pouring out of me, and then give me some of theirs on top of it. It's a beautiful reciprocation system we've got going on, expanding infinitely as we lift each other higher & higher.
3. An attitude of gratitude that makes it so much easier to cut away the unnecessary places we invest our energy - places like worry, anxiety, unhappiness, judgement, and stress. When you focus on your blessings, those other places are released and you make room for trust, love, joy, bliss, compassion & freedom. So beautiful, this transformation process.
4. Paper Source for helping me rock out some truly beautiful handmade packaging for my chocolates.
5. Forgiveness is one of the most magical medicines for your heart. Use it as often as possible for your own sake.
6. Soundcloud for making it easier for all my friends to share their latest mixes with me. Aural pleasure.
7. Rosewater for being one of the purest, most delicate scents & flavors.
8. Shooting stars. Saw my first one of the summer tonight. Perfect way to celebrate the solstice & make a wish.
9. Sandrita who has brought so much joy & positivity into my life. So beautiful to have friends like this who really live a path of the heart & see your truest self.
10. Money manifesting. So much wealth coming my way. I'm so grateful for having transformed my relationship with money from one of disgust & lack to one of love & gratitude. Keep it flowing.
11. The Scoop. Local, hand-made honey-lavender ice cream around the corner. That's all I'm sayin'.
12. Resolve. Some things need to run their course for awhile before we absorb all the lessons, but when we finally reach that place of open, loving acceptance for all that is, there is nothing like it.
13. Geico for having the most amazing customer service on the planet. And such amazing claims adjusters!
14. Spring water hunting. Went to check out a new spring early this morning in Calistoga with Lauren and had the best start of a day ever.
15. Bookstores with cafes for being the new library. I got so much research done today.
16. Summer. After several years of living in SF & having it be chilly until late August, it's nice living just north enough to experience what summer is really like. I missed it so much!
17. Creeks aplenty all over Marin. So many bodies of water to walk around & dip my toes in.
18. Wetlands preserves full of sunset reflections & birds. I found a new spot close by to make the new home of my daily walks - so peaceful & uplifting with a gorgeous view of Mt. Tamalpais.
19. The kindness of strangers always amazes me. I had just been thinking,"Man, our spring water bottles are heavy & the car is far...I wish we had help" when a man showed up to fill his own bottles & he ended up carrying all of ours back to Lauren's car for us. Thank you, Universe!
20. Hindsight for so many important lessons I'm now able to integrate.
21. Present moment awareness. What else is there, really? It feels so good to be feeling back to normal, balanced between the heart, soul & mind and just being aware of each beautiful moment.
2. Amazing friends that receive all this love I have pouring out of me, and then give me some of theirs on top of it. It's a beautiful reciprocation system we've got going on, expanding infinitely as we lift each other higher & higher.
3. An attitude of gratitude that makes it so much easier to cut away the unnecessary places we invest our energy - places like worry, anxiety, unhappiness, judgement, and stress. When you focus on your blessings, those other places are released and you make room for trust, love, joy, bliss, compassion & freedom. So beautiful, this transformation process.
4. Paper Source for helping me rock out some truly beautiful handmade packaging for my chocolates.
5. Forgiveness is one of the most magical medicines for your heart. Use it as often as possible for your own sake.
6. Soundcloud for making it easier for all my friends to share their latest mixes with me. Aural pleasure.
7. Rosewater for being one of the purest, most delicate scents & flavors.
8. Shooting stars. Saw my first one of the summer tonight. Perfect way to celebrate the solstice & make a wish.
9. Sandrita who has brought so much joy & positivity into my life. So beautiful to have friends like this who really live a path of the heart & see your truest self.
10. Money manifesting. So much wealth coming my way. I'm so grateful for having transformed my relationship with money from one of disgust & lack to one of love & gratitude. Keep it flowing.
11. The Scoop. Local, hand-made honey-lavender ice cream around the corner. That's all I'm sayin'.
12. Resolve. Some things need to run their course for awhile before we absorb all the lessons, but when we finally reach that place of open, loving acceptance for all that is, there is nothing like it.
13. Geico for having the most amazing customer service on the planet. And such amazing claims adjusters!
14. Spring water hunting. Went to check out a new spring early this morning in Calistoga with Lauren and had the best start of a day ever.
15. Bookstores with cafes for being the new library. I got so much research done today.
16. Summer. After several years of living in SF & having it be chilly until late August, it's nice living just north enough to experience what summer is really like. I missed it so much!
17. Creeks aplenty all over Marin. So many bodies of water to walk around & dip my toes in.
18. Wetlands preserves full of sunset reflections & birds. I found a new spot close by to make the new home of my daily walks - so peaceful & uplifting with a gorgeous view of Mt. Tamalpais.
19. The kindness of strangers always amazes me. I had just been thinking,"Man, our spring water bottles are heavy & the car is far...I wish we had help" when a man showed up to fill his own bottles & he ended up carrying all of ours back to Lauren's car for us. Thank you, Universe!
20. Hindsight for so many important lessons I'm now able to integrate.
21. Present moment awareness. What else is there, really? It feels so good to be feeling back to normal, balanced between the heart, soul & mind and just being aware of each beautiful moment.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
1. Street parties. Especially the ones where I can sell chocolate under Aztec murals & listen to the Dj mixing old school Slick Rick and Soul of Mischief.
2. Vitamin D. All that sunshine makes me so happy.
3. The local underground food scene. I love being a part of this community. All these underground food events full of handmade hustlers make me grin. And how we support each other & pool together for the benefit of everyone never ceases to amaze me.
4. Keeping busy has been so vital to feeling good lately as it keeps me out of my mind & into LIFE.
5. La Victoria for supporting & nourishing the local community. This place has amazing events.
6. The job that is coming. I know it's on it's way and I know it's going to be good for me on so many levels.
7. Obstacles removed. Got a lovely offer to sell my chocolate at a spot in SF & use their commercial kitchen clout, something that's prevented me from moving on all the requests from store buyers. Now I'm one step closer...
8. Homemade dream catchers made from objects found in nature. Thanks, Jesse - I love it!
9. Fitting my college clothes after all this time is priceless. It makes me feel so good about myself to have fully reversed the metabolism portion of thyroid issues. One major step forward!
10. Coconut oil is magic. Good for your skin, good for your thyroid gland, good for your hair & scalp, good for your belly.
11. Palo Santo burning in my room. Scenting it up with some sacredness is always good.
12. The Haight is just always fun for a little window shopping. Especially all the Tibetan, Himalayan & Indian shops full of little spiritual goodies.
13. The Grateful Bowl at Cafe Gratitude, making it possible for raw foodists to eat out for cheap when we're broke.
14. Reiki. I became a reiki practitioner last month and it's seriously been rocking my world. Being a conduit for Universal Life Force energy is amazing...feeling it running through your palms to heal others is some seriously intense love at work. I definitely notice the difference on the days when I make the time to give myself a session and am looking forward to making it a more frequent part of my self-love practice.
15. Anna. I met her through a shamanic journeying group and instantly adored her. She's a kindred spirit for sure, and is now my reiki instructor. She's so positive, energetic, loving, enthusiastic and just open. I'll be volunteering at the reiki clinic she's put together in SF starting in July.
16. The internet for speeding up the process. And for helping me find the answers. Always.
17. Applied Kinesiology. The woman I am doing structural work with is amazing. She uses kinesiology, chiropractic adjustments and NeuroEmotionalTechnique (NET) to ask the body what is going on, correct the alignment issues in the nervous system & clear old emotions that are stored in our cells.
18. My intuition for telling me that there was a structural component to my healing path that was missing. It also guided me to raw foods & a ton of other healing in the past and has steered me away from some unsafe situations in the past when I've chosen to listen to it fully. And the more I listen, the sharper it gets and the more guidance I receive.
19. Spring Water fresh from deep within the Earth's aquifers. I love going out in nature and collecting it from the source and meditating with it for awhile. Such a beautiful experience.
20. The local library for having such an amazing collection of spiritual books and for being less than a mile away.
21. Skylights. Going to sleep staring at the stars is something truly special, and when you can't camp, looking right above your bed is the next best thing.
2. Vitamin D. All that sunshine makes me so happy.
3. The local underground food scene. I love being a part of this community. All these underground food events full of handmade hustlers make me grin. And how we support each other & pool together for the benefit of everyone never ceases to amaze me.
4. Keeping busy has been so vital to feeling good lately as it keeps me out of my mind & into LIFE.
5. La Victoria for supporting & nourishing the local community. This place has amazing events.
6. The job that is coming. I know it's on it's way and I know it's going to be good for me on so many levels.
7. Obstacles removed. Got a lovely offer to sell my chocolate at a spot in SF & use their commercial kitchen clout, something that's prevented me from moving on all the requests from store buyers. Now I'm one step closer...
8. Homemade dream catchers made from objects found in nature. Thanks, Jesse - I love it!
9. Fitting my college clothes after all this time is priceless. It makes me feel so good about myself to have fully reversed the metabolism portion of thyroid issues. One major step forward!
10. Coconut oil is magic. Good for your skin, good for your thyroid gland, good for your hair & scalp, good for your belly.
11. Palo Santo burning in my room. Scenting it up with some sacredness is always good.
12. The Haight is just always fun for a little window shopping. Especially all the Tibetan, Himalayan & Indian shops full of little spiritual goodies.
13. The Grateful Bowl at Cafe Gratitude, making it possible for raw foodists to eat out for cheap when we're broke.
14. Reiki. I became a reiki practitioner last month and it's seriously been rocking my world. Being a conduit for Universal Life Force energy is amazing...feeling it running through your palms to heal others is some seriously intense love at work. I definitely notice the difference on the days when I make the time to give myself a session and am looking forward to making it a more frequent part of my self-love practice.
15. Anna. I met her through a shamanic journeying group and instantly adored her. She's a kindred spirit for sure, and is now my reiki instructor. She's so positive, energetic, loving, enthusiastic and just open. I'll be volunteering at the reiki clinic she's put together in SF starting in July.
16. The internet for speeding up the process. And for helping me find the answers. Always.
17. Applied Kinesiology. The woman I am doing structural work with is amazing. She uses kinesiology, chiropractic adjustments and NeuroEmotionalTechnique (NET) to ask the body what is going on, correct the alignment issues in the nervous system & clear old emotions that are stored in our cells.
18. My intuition for telling me that there was a structural component to my healing path that was missing. It also guided me to raw foods & a ton of other healing in the past and has steered me away from some unsafe situations in the past when I've chosen to listen to it fully. And the more I listen, the sharper it gets and the more guidance I receive.
19. Spring Water fresh from deep within the Earth's aquifers. I love going out in nature and collecting it from the source and meditating with it for awhile. Such a beautiful experience.
20. The local library for having such an amazing collection of spiritual books and for being less than a mile away.
21. Skylights. Going to sleep staring at the stars is something truly special, and when you can't camp, looking right above your bed is the next best thing.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
1. Ecstatic Dance medicine. I am so grateful for my local conscious dance community full of people looking to enjoy life naturally without drugs & alcohol. A night full of beats, bass and dancing with cute boys is always a good time in my book.
2. Beautiful invocations. This man I always run into at Cafe Gratitude did the most amazing invocation at Ecstatic Dance last night talking about our perfection, our beauty. It put us all into a trance with its power.
3. Little altars everywhere. It's not just my personal altar at home that gives me the prayers & medicine I need - it's the altars I see in other people's homes, the altar at the sweat lodge & ceremonies I go to, the altars at 5 Rhythms and Ecstatic Dance, the little altars in nature made by hikers and meditators and the little city street altars constructed by homeless people. I love this constant reminder of our natural state of gratitude and love for what feels good.
4. Sparkly eyes. I love when I have days so magical that my eyes are extra sparkly and full of bliss. Self-love floods in me and out of me and my whole body buzzes.
5. Sunshine filled rooms. The skylights & glass walls of my room means it's sunny in here from 6am til 9pm and I could not be happier about that.
6. Silent expressions. One of my favorite things about the conscious dance events is that there is no talking. You communicate with others solely through dance, your energy, your heart and your radiant smiles. I love that I can sometimes dance so intently with a stranger, have this intense connection, and never ever know their name. It's beautiful.
7. Tinctures. So many plants, so many ways to decoct, dilute and learn how to use them as medicine. I can't wait for herb school next year!
8. Coconut yogurt is fermenting in the kitchen. Yum. It's so nice to have even better things fill the place of the dairy products that have left my life.
9. Scholarships. I just got a scholarship from the Moving Center School for the next part of the 5 Rhythms workshops I've been doing. This one explores the ultimate spiritual practice - relationship. "Friends, lovers, parents, children — they take us to heaven and take us to our knees." I am so excited to continue on my dancing path! I also got another scholarship for a Women's Leadership program in the wilderness of Washington, but more about that later.
10. Garden space. My flatmate, permaculture goddess extraordinaire that she is, showed me where there is still some room in the garden for planting so I can grow some lettuces & berries. The whole time I was traveling & working on organic farms, I kept focusing my intentions on finding a home with some space to grow my own food and now it's finally here!
11. Kale magic. Permaculture goddess flatmate also said their kale is producing enough extra for me to have some fresh greens from their patch of eARTh every day.
12. Waking up before the alarm clock always gives me that feeling of living on natural time & having the world to myself for a little while before I begin the day. I cherish these days.
13. Chocolate love makes me smile. I am so grateful for this never-ending stream of beautiful foodie events in SF that allow me to grow my raw chocolate business at a steady, organic pace. Doing work where you get to see rewards in the form of ecstatic looks on people's faces as they eat your wares is so fulfilling and makes my heart soar.
14. Singing. When I was younger, I had a really beautiful voice, but as the thyroid shifted further out of balance, it seemed to disappear & I kept wondering where my voice went, why my singing sounded so awful. Last year I learned that singing is one of the best medicines for hypothyroidism, as it raises the vibration of your 5th chakra, healing your body. I would sing more in the car than normaml, and though I wanted to make it a daily practice, I kept getting distracted & simply wasn't making time for it. Then last week, the curandero asked me to sing in the ceremony, a very huge honor I did not feel ready for. I tried, but I totally choked in this paralyzing fear in my mind instead of being present to the opportunity to heal in ceremony, but the message became clear through him that if I were to simply unlock my voice from this thyroid blockage and use singing as my medicine, I would heal this. Ever since then I have been singing daily, and my voice is slowing coming back to life. :)
15. Baby-tainment. My flatmates adorable little baby girl, Sage has been the perfect audience for me. Since I am not yet comfortable singing in front of groups of people, I practice singing to her. She gets so quiet and enamored by the sounds and her face lights up, which brings me more joy and helps me sing even more comfortably, which brings her more joy, and so on. It's a win-win situation.
16. Chickweed concoctions fresh from the wilderness outside. This one had some honey, lemon, cayenne, sprouts & pure water. I love wild plants!
17. Fiddles & cellos. I had my first lessons in both last year and am equally in love with both, but a violin is more travel-ready so I'm going to focus my intentions on manifesting one of those first, then when I have gotten pretty good, I can move on to other instruments. But my love affair with strings & drums runs deep, deep, deep.
18. Life. Always eternally grateful for this one, every single day of mine. It's short - make the most of it, don't get caught up in stuff that doesn't resonate and brings you down and just follow your bliss!
19. Camping season is my favorite season! I am so amazed at how no matter how many different places I go, I still have barely seen a fraction of all the nature in this state - there is such an abundance of beauty here.
20. Trust is one of my favorite tools. Whenever I remember to trust that everything always works out exactly as it's supposed to, my life just flows and everything falls into place.
21. Love. There is so much of it in this world. My heart today is flooding over with all the love from so many wonderful people in my life.
2. Beautiful invocations. This man I always run into at Cafe Gratitude did the most amazing invocation at Ecstatic Dance last night talking about our perfection, our beauty. It put us all into a trance with its power.
3. Little altars everywhere. It's not just my personal altar at home that gives me the prayers & medicine I need - it's the altars I see in other people's homes, the altar at the sweat lodge & ceremonies I go to, the altars at 5 Rhythms and Ecstatic Dance, the little altars in nature made by hikers and meditators and the little city street altars constructed by homeless people. I love this constant reminder of our natural state of gratitude and love for what feels good.
4. Sparkly eyes. I love when I have days so magical that my eyes are extra sparkly and full of bliss. Self-love floods in me and out of me and my whole body buzzes.
5. Sunshine filled rooms. The skylights & glass walls of my room means it's sunny in here from 6am til 9pm and I could not be happier about that.
6. Silent expressions. One of my favorite things about the conscious dance events is that there is no talking. You communicate with others solely through dance, your energy, your heart and your radiant smiles. I love that I can sometimes dance so intently with a stranger, have this intense connection, and never ever know their name. It's beautiful.
7. Tinctures. So many plants, so many ways to decoct, dilute and learn how to use them as medicine. I can't wait for herb school next year!
8. Coconut yogurt is fermenting in the kitchen. Yum. It's so nice to have even better things fill the place of the dairy products that have left my life.
9. Scholarships. I just got a scholarship from the Moving Center School for the next part of the 5 Rhythms workshops I've been doing. This one explores the ultimate spiritual practice - relationship. "Friends, lovers, parents, children — they take us to heaven and take us to our knees." I am so excited to continue on my dancing path! I also got another scholarship for a Women's Leadership program in the wilderness of Washington, but more about that later.
10. Garden space. My flatmate, permaculture goddess extraordinaire that she is, showed me where there is still some room in the garden for planting so I can grow some lettuces & berries. The whole time I was traveling & working on organic farms, I kept focusing my intentions on finding a home with some space to grow my own food and now it's finally here!
11. Kale magic. Permaculture goddess flatmate also said their kale is producing enough extra for me to have some fresh greens from their patch of eARTh every day.
12. Waking up before the alarm clock always gives me that feeling of living on natural time & having the world to myself for a little while before I begin the day. I cherish these days.
13. Chocolate love makes me smile. I am so grateful for this never-ending stream of beautiful foodie events in SF that allow me to grow my raw chocolate business at a steady, organic pace. Doing work where you get to see rewards in the form of ecstatic looks on people's faces as they eat your wares is so fulfilling and makes my heart soar.
14. Singing. When I was younger, I had a really beautiful voice, but as the thyroid shifted further out of balance, it seemed to disappear & I kept wondering where my voice went, why my singing sounded so awful. Last year I learned that singing is one of the best medicines for hypothyroidism, as it raises the vibration of your 5th chakra, healing your body. I would sing more in the car than normaml, and though I wanted to make it a daily practice, I kept getting distracted & simply wasn't making time for it. Then last week, the curandero asked me to sing in the ceremony, a very huge honor I did not feel ready for. I tried, but I totally choked in this paralyzing fear in my mind instead of being present to the opportunity to heal in ceremony, but the message became clear through him that if I were to simply unlock my voice from this thyroid blockage and use singing as my medicine, I would heal this. Ever since then I have been singing daily, and my voice is slowing coming back to life. :)
15. Baby-tainment. My flatmates adorable little baby girl, Sage has been the perfect audience for me. Since I am not yet comfortable singing in front of groups of people, I practice singing to her. She gets so quiet and enamored by the sounds and her face lights up, which brings me more joy and helps me sing even more comfortably, which brings her more joy, and so on. It's a win-win situation.
16. Chickweed concoctions fresh from the wilderness outside. This one had some honey, lemon, cayenne, sprouts & pure water. I love wild plants!
17. Fiddles & cellos. I had my first lessons in both last year and am equally in love with both, but a violin is more travel-ready so I'm going to focus my intentions on manifesting one of those first, then when I have gotten pretty good, I can move on to other instruments. But my love affair with strings & drums runs deep, deep, deep.
18. Life. Always eternally grateful for this one, every single day of mine. It's short - make the most of it, don't get caught up in stuff that doesn't resonate and brings you down and just follow your bliss!
19. Camping season is my favorite season! I am so amazed at how no matter how many different places I go, I still have barely seen a fraction of all the nature in this state - there is such an abundance of beauty here.
20. Trust is one of my favorite tools. Whenever I remember to trust that everything always works out exactly as it's supposed to, my life just flows and everything falls into place.
21. Love. There is so much of it in this world. My heart today is flooding over with all the love from so many wonderful people in my life.
Friday, June 18, 2010
1. Healing paths. When I got back from my travels, I spiraled back into the thyroid illness that had taken over my life for about 13 years. I had 2 years of healing bliss, the most amazing life ever, and now I've dipped back in to uncover more and create something even better. This journey has taken me to so many places within, shown me so much, illuminated beauty I never knew existed. It is challenging to not feel well, for sure, but I know this is only to heal at a deeper root level and when I do, things will be even more amazing than those last 2 years of bliss.
2. My little glass home. I finally moved out of the city to the lovely, progressive, eco-conscious, spiritually open town of Fairfax and am living in the most beautiful house. My room has glass walls overlooking the permacultured garden & 2 skylights so I can watch the stars & planets wink at me as I drift off into dreamland. Outside, there is a Manzanita tree, redwood hot tub, hammock and a wonderful garden. A fox has scurried past my bedroom and there are always deer on the drive home. I may have to put off the community household for awhile because this place feels so right & and my flatmates and their baby girl, Sage, are wonderful. I need this kind of energy right now.
3. Plant medicines. I had the most profound healing of my life last weekend in ceremony with a lovely, soulful curandero. This plant path has been mine for some time, but it's becoming even more powerful and clear. I was able to get to the root trauma that caused this illness, an event from when I was a baby that I had no memory of, but which stored itself in my cells & subconscious. So much is coming to light to heal at this deeper level and I am so grateful for having cultivated this relationship with the plants over the years.
4. Relationships. They aren't always meant to last forever, but some of these short, intense ones are so chock full of really huge lessons and gifts necessary to get you to the type of relationship you really want & deserve. I keep getting closer and closer, perfecting the dance over time.
5. Lauren Henry. My dear spiritual cheerleader, always lifting me up higher. I am so grateful for us meeting a few years ago and deepening in our friendship. What a beautiful soul, what an expansive heart. What an amazing capacity to hold space and be love.
6. Raw/living food. It's the only thing that worked in 13 years to really make me feel better, and as I healed, I began to integrate more cooked foods. After these last few months of struggling, I've decided to listen to my intuition & renew my vows to it. With this vow renewal comes a second honeymoon - I am all excited about raw food again and this renewed enthusiasm is filling my heart & mind up with beauty.
7. 5 Rhythms has become a massive part of my healing path in the last year. This amazing practice is all about dancing your prayers, movement as meditation. We dance our emotions and see what comes up, then dance that and keep going on our own journeys, allowing ourselves to truly feel emotions in the body and transform them by moving through them. My local dance community is so supportive, so open, so loving. I have never been so comfortable in my body as now.
8. Pura Vida. For being what it is. I love it.
9. Vision Questing. I'd been wanting to go on a Vision Quest since I was a teenager, but back then thought it would never happen because I was a white girl. :) I'm so glad times have changed and these ancient, beautiful traditions are open to people of all cultures. My prayer was to finish healing this illness & step deeper onto my path as healer and my time on the hill brought me the information I needed to move forward with that.
10. Little fox. The morning after I got back from a really intense healing ceremony, a little grey fox with red-tipped fur slowly strolled past my glass bedroom doors. I love living more in harmony with nature.
11. People who tell you the truth. Because sometimes you just need to hear it from someplace outside yourself to really listen.
12. Berry season in Marin. I love all the local, organic produce in abundance everywhere. Summer smoothies are rocking my world!
13. Spirulina gives me a nice boost in my smoothies every day, helping me focus and feel good. Mmmm, green.
14. Betty. I truly have the best car ever. She's taken me on so many beautiful adventures.
15. New friends. When I travel, I make friends instantly, but I've noticed that when I'm in one place it takes more time to cultivate connections and I've had some seriously beautiful people enter my life since I moved to Marin.
16. Babies. So much magical, soothing energy in this house because of the little one. And I am filled with joy whenever I spend time with my friends children too. I'm so not ready for my own family just yet, but I can feel the time is coming soon.
17. Coconut milk. Do I really need to elaborate on that? Nope. :)
18. Waterfalls. There is one just a few miles from the house that I've been spending a lot of time hiking too. So soothing, so cleansing, so uplifting.
19. Donation-based bodywork rocks my world! Thanks to Alpha for a rocking 2 hour session in my backyard paradise. Serious shifts!
20. The Gift Circle. My town has a weekly gift circle, which is the community's attempt to move closer to a gift economy. We have dinner together, then go around the circle expressing first our needs that we would like to have met, and then the gifts we have to offer. It's beautiful to see these hearts pour out.
21. Gratitude journaling! I'd gotten so used to living full and total gratitude all the time, that I stopped journaling, but recently found myself back in some old patterns and am getting back to this daily practice that reminds me of how much beauty there is in my life.
2. My little glass home. I finally moved out of the city to the lovely, progressive, eco-conscious, spiritually open town of Fairfax and am living in the most beautiful house. My room has glass walls overlooking the permacultured garden & 2 skylights so I can watch the stars & planets wink at me as I drift off into dreamland. Outside, there is a Manzanita tree, redwood hot tub, hammock and a wonderful garden. A fox has scurried past my bedroom and there are always deer on the drive home. I may have to put off the community household for awhile because this place feels so right & and my flatmates and their baby girl, Sage, are wonderful. I need this kind of energy right now.
3. Plant medicines. I had the most profound healing of my life last weekend in ceremony with a lovely, soulful curandero. This plant path has been mine for some time, but it's becoming even more powerful and clear. I was able to get to the root trauma that caused this illness, an event from when I was a baby that I had no memory of, but which stored itself in my cells & subconscious. So much is coming to light to heal at this deeper level and I am so grateful for having cultivated this relationship with the plants over the years.
4. Relationships. They aren't always meant to last forever, but some of these short, intense ones are so chock full of really huge lessons and gifts necessary to get you to the type of relationship you really want & deserve. I keep getting closer and closer, perfecting the dance over time.
5. Lauren Henry. My dear spiritual cheerleader, always lifting me up higher. I am so grateful for us meeting a few years ago and deepening in our friendship. What a beautiful soul, what an expansive heart. What an amazing capacity to hold space and be love.
6. Raw/living food. It's the only thing that worked in 13 years to really make me feel better, and as I healed, I began to integrate more cooked foods. After these last few months of struggling, I've decided to listen to my intuition & renew my vows to it. With this vow renewal comes a second honeymoon - I am all excited about raw food again and this renewed enthusiasm is filling my heart & mind up with beauty.
7. 5 Rhythms has become a massive part of my healing path in the last year. This amazing practice is all about dancing your prayers, movement as meditation. We dance our emotions and see what comes up, then dance that and keep going on our own journeys, allowing ourselves to truly feel emotions in the body and transform them by moving through them. My local dance community is so supportive, so open, so loving. I have never been so comfortable in my body as now.
8. Pura Vida. For being what it is. I love it.
9. Vision Questing. I'd been wanting to go on a Vision Quest since I was a teenager, but back then thought it would never happen because I was a white girl. :) I'm so glad times have changed and these ancient, beautiful traditions are open to people of all cultures. My prayer was to finish healing this illness & step deeper onto my path as healer and my time on the hill brought me the information I needed to move forward with that.
10. Little fox. The morning after I got back from a really intense healing ceremony, a little grey fox with red-tipped fur slowly strolled past my glass bedroom doors. I love living more in harmony with nature.
11. People who tell you the truth. Because sometimes you just need to hear it from someplace outside yourself to really listen.
12. Berry season in Marin. I love all the local, organic produce in abundance everywhere. Summer smoothies are rocking my world!
13. Spirulina gives me a nice boost in my smoothies every day, helping me focus and feel good. Mmmm, green.
14. Betty. I truly have the best car ever. She's taken me on so many beautiful adventures.
15. New friends. When I travel, I make friends instantly, but I've noticed that when I'm in one place it takes more time to cultivate connections and I've had some seriously beautiful people enter my life since I moved to Marin.
16. Babies. So much magical, soothing energy in this house because of the little one. And I am filled with joy whenever I spend time with my friends children too. I'm so not ready for my own family just yet, but I can feel the time is coming soon.
17. Coconut milk. Do I really need to elaborate on that? Nope. :)
18. Waterfalls. There is one just a few miles from the house that I've been spending a lot of time hiking too. So soothing, so cleansing, so uplifting.
19. Donation-based bodywork rocks my world! Thanks to Alpha for a rocking 2 hour session in my backyard paradise. Serious shifts!
20. The Gift Circle. My town has a weekly gift circle, which is the community's attempt to move closer to a gift economy. We have dinner together, then go around the circle expressing first our needs that we would like to have met, and then the gifts we have to offer. It's beautiful to see these hearts pour out.
21. Gratitude journaling! I'd gotten so used to living full and total gratitude all the time, that I stopped journaling, but recently found myself back in some old patterns and am getting back to this daily practice that reminds me of how much beauty there is in my life.
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