Saturday, January 9, 2010


1. Love. I found a big, beautiful, sacred one.

2. Sacred Commerce I had the opportunity of attending another wonderful donation-based Cafe Gratitude workshop this month. So inspiring & full of grounding I needed after coming back from a year of travel. I'm diving right into my business pursuits.

3. The end of my travels. Although the initial comedown of spending a year on the road living the life of my dreams was really rough, I'm finally feeling grounded back in my life in California. It took a few weeks to embrace the fact that turbulence has accompanied every major life shift I've ever had and they have all led to the most amazing things. I can't wait to see what takes shape.

4. Instant manifestation is rocking my world. I just keep putting out to the Universe what I need from the bottom of my heart & it just keeps delivering it right to me. Sometimes within a few short minutes. I am still in awe over this.

5. Ceremony. I love my spiritual brothers & sisters who continue to enhance my life & help me crack my heart open wider & wider. So many beautiful faces in ceremony this weekend around the fire, sharing our love & good intentions.

6. Peyote babies. I love the innocent, joyful, loving energy children bring to ceremony This 2 1/2 year old kept running in circles around the fire, instilling it with his pure & beautiful energy. After sunrise, he showed me a picture he had drawn. When I asked him to tell me more about it, he pointed to the fire, the medicine & the Universe (a cluster of stars covering most of the paper) and I beamed. What a beautiful, tender moment.

7. The joys of starting a business. I started working on this before I left to travel & wrote most of my business plan while on the road this past year, but now I am home & really building it. I cannot explain how amazing it feels to start your own business & be able to set intentions every step of the way & not have to compromise my integrity for anyone or anything. This eco-conscious, socially responsible raw, organic, herbal chocolate company of mine is so in alignment with my soul & the healing work I've been doing, I cannot even begin to express my gratitude to the universe for conspiring to make it reality every step of the way. It's all love & the support from community has been outstanding.

8. Fairfax is a town just 17 miles north of San Francisco. I'd been spending so much time there before I left for my travels that I contemplated moving. It's just been calling me. And now that I am back, the Universe has been conspiring to make it my new home for sure. I love SF, but just need more nature, less buildings & people...I am excited to put together a community household with other kindred spirits.

9. Origin Collective. I went up to Fairfax for the first time since before my travels to walk around & make sure everything still felt right. The first thing I stumbled upon was a shop that had opened while I was gone - a collective of herbalists, raw foodists, creative lovers of life & overall positive, inspiring healers. I ended up staying and talking for an hour. I so can't wait to be more involved in what goes on in this space!

10. Rossella & Tim are the best temporary roommates a girl could ask for. Thank you so much for letting me into your beautiful home & giving me free shelter while I sort things out. And thank you, Tanya for letting me stay there in your absence. You have no idea how provided for I feel right now by you and the Universe.

11. The SF Underground Farmers Market is awesome! My friend Iso over at Forage SF started putting together a little market for all us underdogs who can't yet afford the fees at the commercial markets. I'll be selling delicious raw chocolates this week. Amazing food, music & free workshops? Man, it feels good to be back home in my food community!

12. Coastal smells that are one of the greatest things about being home. I can feel my lungs expand with each breath.

13. Green hills that are so lush & soothing. Ah, Northern California!

14. Bass therapy. So much dubstep soothing my soul these days. Bass has always had a special place in my heart.

15. The Ghost Brothers have been on constant repeat lately. Amazing, beautiful, Krishna rockers from Vancouver.

16. Old Victorian houses with all their built-ins, elaborate moldings, and untold stories.

17. Joy I don't know how it's possible for one person to have so much joy in their life, but I am so eternally grateful for each day that I wake up, able to experience another day full of it. Keep the abundance flowing.

18. Bees I took an intro to beekeeping course that blew my mind. I've been wanting to keep bees for eons & it feels good to be one step closer. Now I just need some land to keep them on. :)

19. Sweet street art. I've been seeing these really sweet stencils all around the Mission District about love & light. True expressions of the human heart. That's my kind of revolution. :)

20. Drumming that takes me deeper and deeper inside. This journey is infinite.

21. Oneness. It feels so good to tap into this infinite power of the Universe and know that we are all source.